Since I decided to make a go of my landscape photography to build an additional source of income, my 13 years previously working in graphics & marketing told me that I should create a logo to help give some identity and a professional air to my brand.
Not wanting to rush into knocking just anything together, I sat on it, pondered, sketched and pondered some more - for about 4 months! Maybe the choice of black is a nod to Guinness' ad campaign - "Good things come to those who wait" - or maybe not.
I was torn between using a "plain & simple" typographic style to compliment but not detract from my photographs, or an "intricate" design to characterise my type of outdoor photography.
Not letting myself off the hook, I was keen for the logo to have depth and meaning - so I opted the "intricate" approach (it seems I'm my own worst client!)
The design reflects my love of photographing the movement of water (living in Cornwall, the sea is all around me), my tenancy to be up at stupid o'clock to catch a sunrise (for the quality of light, interesting colours and less people in shot) and my preference for some, but not too much cloud to add interest to the skies. A representation of a lens complete with shutter blades bears reference to photography. The "Raleway" font ties the logo into my website where it's already used - and for me, suits the logo well.
I've created several versions to suit different applications - and a reversed version that I'm tending to use for my social media profiles...

I still do a little graphic design - if there's something you need, please feel free to contact me or visit my facebook page - www.facebook.com/shockingoblin